
Photo of the bandmembers of Krakathoa

For years and years, Sweden has bred more metal bands than actual people (don’t google that) and no one really knows why that is. Maybe the cold dark winters inspire horrid nightmares, and the only way to rid the constant fear of those nightmares coming to life, is through the creation of songs about death, destruction, and other cool stuff. Coffee helps too. Lots of it.

Enter KRAKATHOA, a band fueled by the pure disdain for oppression by the scum in power, as well as the lack of sleep caused by caring for their offspring (yes, they are modern dads, it’s Sweden). This very specific cocktail of hate, insomnia, and the crippling feeling of powerlessness is what makes KRAKATHOA, well, a very specific cocktail of hate, insomnia, and the crippling feeling of powerlessness. But also with music.

The goal is to bring face melting riffs that make you want to call your parents to tell them you love them, and beats so forceful you wish you brought lube, and combine them with soul crushing lyrics to tell truth to power, with the help of the best metal fans the world has to offer, who, just like KRAKATHOA, are sick of the bullshit.

Like the (almost) eponymous volcano, KRAKATHOA will erupt and shake the world down to its core. Or as the great John C. Reilly once so eloquently stated: “We’re here to f**k shit up”.

Krakathoa is a bone crushing metal band from Småland, Sweden, a band formed in 2019. Krakathoa is for fans of bands like Whitechapel, Slipknot, Hatesphere, Norma Jean etc.

Samuel Larsson

Martin Klasén

Jim Almgren

Tobias Roth

Christopher Andersson

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